J&C Engineering is proud to announce that our Company has recently renewed and improved our CIDB grading, that will allow our business to grow and improve in multiple facets! J&C Engineering is looking forward to exploring the new potential that our Company and our staff have grown to.

What is a CIDB Rating?

“The Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) is a Schedule 3a public entity established to lead construction industry stakeholders in construction development.”


The CIDB assists policy makers in assessing the extent of empowerment and transformation in the contracting and building industry. This review looks at the ownership of Companies, availability for work opportunities for the emerging Company (i.e. job creation), as well as the growth of Companies that are owned by historically disadvantaged groups in South Africa. The CIDB grading also helps Companies to assess themselves and benchmark themselves against their competition in the market.

A CIDB certificate allows J&C Engineering to provide contract and construction services to the Public Sector, as no Company can perform any works or provide any services to a Government-owned institution without holding a valid CIDB Rating and Certification.

The certification allows the Government to utilise registered Companies with the knowledge that the Companies have been reviewed and registered according to their capabilities, thereby minimising their procurement risks.

What does a CIDB Certificate mean to J&C Engineering?

In January 2017, J&C Engineering obtained a CIDB Level 8 ME Certification, which qualifies J&C Engineering to perform Mechanical Engineering (ME) contracts up to a value of R 130 Million per contract. In addition, J&C Engineering qualifies under the CIDB rules as a Potentially Emerging (PE) contractor and is thereby authorised to perform contracts one level up from our current grading. This, therefore, qualifies J&C Engineering as a CIDB Level 9 ME Contractor, which then removes the upper limitation of all contract values and allows J&C Engineering to execute Mechanical Engineering works of any contract value.

Since its inception in 1989, J & C Engineering has played a significant role in providing Air Pollution Control and Turnkey Engineering Solutions to industries across Southern Africa. Our Company specialises in the design, fabrication and erection of Air Pollution Control Equipment, which includes but is not limited to Flue Gas Cleaning Equipment, such as Electrostatic Precipitators (ESP), Fabric Filter Plants (FFP), as well as Dust Separation and Removal (Cyclones), Acid Gas Pollutants and Nitrogen Oxides Removal (Flue Gas Desulphurisation (FGD), Scrubbers – NOx & SOx), and much more.