Dry Electrostatic Precipitator

By request, ESP can be equipped with additionals such as fans, silencers, pipework and chimneys.

The Dry Electrostatic Precipitator can be used to extract ultra-fine dust particles from process gases up to a temperature of 420°C by means of an electrostatic charge. The units are used in particular for extracting dust from hot gases in combustion plants and other processes.

Maximum separation rate

The Electrostatic Precipitator can operate either with or without an upstream cyclone (centrifugal separator), and can reduce dust content from up to 50g/m³ to clean gas content of as low as 20mg /m³ in standard conditions. This equates to a separation rate of more than 99%.

Functional principle

The dust-laden process gas enters the Electrostatic Precipitator horizontally and is spread across the entire filter in a uniform flow profile by means of a gas distribution system. By applying high voltage to the Discharge Electrodes located between the Collection Plates, an electric field is created that charges the dust particles.

Passing through the electric field, the charged particles are transported by electric field strength to the Collecting Electrodes, where they agglomerate with previously separated dust particles and finally are rapped off by the mechanical rapping system.

The dust particles drop into the Filter Hopper and are removed via the Dust Outlet Valves. The purified gas leaves the filter through the Gas Outlet Hood.

Horizontal Gas Distribution

The gas enters the filter lanes horizontally. The lanes consist of vertically suspended Collecting Electrodes joined to form a curtain. In the center of each lane are Discharge Electrodes made from high grade materials. The Discharge Electrodes are either individually suspended (vertical masts) or are arranged inside a rigid frame. Depending on the type of filter, lanes are spaced at distances from 250mm to 500mm.

Periodic Cleaning

The Discharge and Collecting Electrode Systems, are cleaned by Mechanical Rapping Systems.


Built for gas temperatures up to 420°C.

Standard Scope of Delivery

  • Filter housing and all internal components
  • Low/High-voltage Electrical System
  • Mechanical Rapping System
  • Installation and commissioning